Full name : Dian Sastrowardoyo
Real name : Diandra Paramitha Sastrowardoyo
Nick name/celeb name : Dian Sastro
Sex : Female
Religion : Islam
Place of birth : Jakarta, Indonesia
Date of birth : March 16, 1982
Mother’s name : Dewi Parwati Setyorini
Father’s name : Iwan Sastrowardoyo
Dian Sastrowardoyo name is known as a talented actress popularity through its role in the film ADA APA DENGAN CINTA (2002). Role as Cinta in film direction Rudi Sudjarwo, and also delivers herself as winner Festival Film Indonesia (FFI) for the best actress category.
Owner name Diandra Paramitha Sastrowardoyo this start her career in the entertainment world in 1996 through the event Gadis Sampul and first starring movie star “Bintang Jatuh”(2000) who also works director Rudi Sudjarwo. In the film daughter pair Alm. Iwan Sastrowardoyo and Dewi Parwati Setyorini this play with Marcella Zalianty, Garry Iskak and Indra Birowo.
Next film entitled Pasir Berbisik(2001), in this film Dian akting compete with the senior star Christine Hakim, Slamet Rahardjo and Didi Petet. Through the film Dian finally gets gift as the best women in the Singapore International Film Festival (2002) and Asian Film Festival in Deauville, France (2002).
Alumnus of Faculty of Philosophy, Indonesia of University in 2001 is the graduate skripsi in 2007. Taking the title 'Beauty Industrial Complex', Dian graduated with a value of 8.57 (A), and 3.2 GPA last.
Dian had a love affair with Abi Yapto, son of the famous, Yapto S Soerjosoemarno, and ends around August 2006. Both Abi and Dian reluctant to comment further their cause of ending the relationship.
Say, the relationship Abi and Dian break because the third of the Dian. While still in love with a Abi, Dian also close to the broadcaster Prambors, Warman Nasution.
Dian has also reporting near with Moreno Suprapto, although until now the grandniece of a national movement leaders Prof Mr Sunario Sastrowardoyo, this claim is still single.
In addition to as Lux stars, Dian also as host in Super Quiz Milyader 3 Billion in 2007.
One of the torchbearer in the Olympic event in 2008 to try this new job. Although not far from the film world, but this time he must play a fold role. In addition to playing a movie, she also acted as producer on the film Drupadi.
In the year 2008, Dian back 'sharp' with Nicholas Saputra. This time they are paired in the film “3 Doa 3 Cinta” by director Nurman Hakim. Even in the International Festival of Asian Cinema Vesoul the film successfully awarded the Grand Prize of the International Jury.
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