Full name : Sigit Purnomo Syamsuddin Said
Nick name/celeb name : Pasha
Sex : Male
Religion : Islam
Place of birth : Donggala
Date of birth : November 27, 1979
Pasha Ungu band is the vocalist, which was established in 1996. Pasha joined the Ungu in 1999.
Pasha own career as the model and has appeared in several television ads, main sinetron and joined with several bands before joining with Ungu.
Although Okie has been divorced from, but still considers Pasha Okie that contain his fruit heart. In 14 February 2009, coinciding with Valentine day, Okie children birth to three women who diversiform sex.
In a matter of career bermusiknya, Pasha had digosipkan have special relationships with Aura Kasih digandeng by this beautiful singer Rossa. They paired for the duet singing again Terlanjur Cinta creation Yoyok Padi.
Guy that had this clever mengaji course in ABA-ABI before finally decided to stop studying and choosing career in music.
Meanwhile, the journey of life in the household, father of two children has involved beatings with the Marvell Band guitarist, Idea Fasha. Dikabarkan both cases due to jealousy over his wife, Pasha, Okie Calerista Agustina Sofyan, the road to the Idea. Although warm discussed the media, both ends with peace.
On 20 November 2008, Okie Pasha contest divorce in the Religious Bogor. Submit a claim when the divorce is, Okie expectant. And on 20 January 2009 the judge grant divorce suit against Okie Pasha through the Religious Bogor in West Java.
On Valentine's Day, February 14 2009, Pasha was the third child, sex with women. Female baby was born by this former wife, Okie on the Hospital Ibu & Anak Hermina Bogor.
Gossip between Pasha and Alyssa Soebandono all outstanding. Towards the end of June 2009, circulating a video that shows the Pasha kissed Alyssa. Alyssa has oppugn that is in the video is not herself.
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