Full name : Titi Kamal
Real name : Kurniati Kamalia
Nick name/celeb name : Titi
Sex : Female
Religion : Islam
Place of birth : Jakarta, Indonesia
Date of birth : December 07, 1981
Mother’s name : Elly Rosniati
Father’s name : Moch. Kamal Badry

Kurniati Kamalia more popular with the name of Titi Kamal, born in Jakarta, December 7, 1981. Titi's career begins when became a model and Juara I Cover Girl Aneka Yess 1997, and before the youngest child of five brothers started this star sinetron “Tirai Cinta, and followed Cerita Cinta, Kembang Padang Kelabu, Lilin Kecil, Pura-pura Buta, and Cinta Anak Campus”.
Daughter pair Moch. Kamal Badry and Elly Rosniati start reaching this world the big screen with starring Tragedy (2001), ADA APA DENGAN CINTA (2002), EIFEL I'M IN LOVE (2003) and Mendadak Dangdut (2006). Even in this film “Mendadak Dangdut”, Titi success with the song dangdut Jablay(Jarang Dibelai) which is the film's soundtrack album.
Titi has a voice that hand to mouth 'forced' sing some songs dangdut in the film landing director Rudi Sudjarwo it. Even though she is not pede (percaya diri), but beyond a doubt the community would welcome the good songs that do have lyrics in community the lyrics-it.
Although the bands in song success and successful entry MTV award nominations, a former MTV Best Model in 2002, the claim is not interested in developing a career in the world pull the vote, especially dangdut music.
Now the beautiful virgin always appear with her black hair this opened a restaurant Sunda fast service style front kitchen. Restaurant that is located on Jl. Ir.H. Juanda No.27, precisely at the State Palace, Jakarta, the shape is a dream’s Titi become a business woman.
For a matter of love, a woman ready to confess all out at this stage akting eventually married with her boyfriend which also stars sinetron, Christian Sugiono. After having dropped out of a row, on February 6, 2009 has this pair perform weddings in Australia.
Success with the single Jablay in 2006, to provide capital for Titi for serious drag voice in the world. Not on track dangdut nusic but Pop R & B. The end of 2008, Titi released its first single with the title “Lebih Baik Sendiri”, and followed with a single second “Resah Aku Tanpamu” that sung duet with Anji Drive.
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