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Kissing Dewi Persik, Indra Brugman be averse to Continue to Bed in Hot Film

Indra Brugman star admitted enjoying kissing lips with Dewi Persik. However, Indra did not want to kiss it continues to bed.

The scene was indeed for the purposes of the film 'Tiran: Mati di Ranjang'. Indra is told as a husband Goddess. Indra agreed to jumped into the lips kiss. But he refused to bed scenes, although for the sake of the film's story.

"I do not want to. Later how if my nephew watched," said Indra.

Looks Indra and Dewi like built a very strong chemistry for the kiss scene. Even visible in video recordings that circulate on YouTube, Indra will not stop kiss lips Dewi. Action kiss occurred not only when a take, but also during training.

"If I do, just to work professionally. Under the film scenario," said Indra.

Perhatian !

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