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“Monsters, Inc. 2” Released in 2012, Sequel “Friday the 13th” Cancel

Hollywood - Here's the latest news from the Hollywood film industry. Sequel to the animated film “Monsters, Inc.” will be released in 2012, while filming the “Friday the 13th” was canceled.

As reported by the Empire, Friday (04/23/2010), Disney and Pixar will finally announced officially working on the second movie “Monsters, Inc”. Rich Ross, one of Disney boss is ready to ensure that the film played in theaters in the United States in November 2012.

“Monsters, Inc.” was first released in 2001. Film director Pete Docter reap revenues of U.S. $ 525 million from the audience throughout the world.

Apart from “Monsters, Inc. 2”, Disney is also working on “The Bear And The Bow”. Animated film directed by Brenda Chapman's show actress Reese Witherspoon as the voice of his character. Just like “Monsters, Inc. 2”, “The Bear And The Bow” will be released in 2012, precisely the month of June.

Switch to a sequel to “Friday the 13th”. Through his personal Twitter account, the producer Brad Fuller ensure that the sequel to remake “Friday the 13th” work by Marcus Nispel was cancel worked. In fact, previously Brad had boasted that the film will be released in three-dimensional format.

"It's dead. It will never happen," wrote Brad.

Perhatian !

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