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Alexandra Gottardo a Mother Who Suffered in the Film "Tanah Air Beta"

Actress Alexandra Gottardo has a role to be a mother of two children for the film “Tanah Air Beta”. Not just an ordinary mother, she must learn how to be mother who are suffering.

"I played a mother who suffers, but may not indicate that pain. Let the children know that their mother was fine. Pretending to be tough but her heart suffered. It is to be learned," explained Alexandra.

But the greatest difficulty of Sandra in the production film of Nia Zulkarnaen was not in her role as a mother. Instead she found it difficult when it comes to studying the dialect of East Nusa Tenggara.

"The most difficult is the dialect is hard," said Alexandra encountered in launching a comic 'Tanah Air Beta' at Planet Hollywood, South Jakarta, Thursday (05/20/2010) night.

Lucky in the film titled “Tanah Air Beta”, Alexandra, accompanied by teacher to explore the role of dialects. When will filming in the area of Atambua , Tyo Nugros’s ex-girlfriend was given the opportunity for reading.

Initially difficult indeed, but Alexandra was trying to learn all the maximum within a short time. She is even proud to be part of the film.

Perhatian !

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