Tokyo - In late 2009, Maria Ozawa or better known under the name Miyabi decided to retire from the porn film industry in Japan. Now, Maria was enjoying her profession as a sexy dancer.
"I was enjoying my activities as sexy dancer ," said Maria when talking casually with detikhot in Reexdine restaurant, Tokyo, Japan, on 18 April.
As a sexy dancer, Maria had already make the rounds to several countries in Asia. However, women who is now 24-year-old stressed she was not a striptease dancer.
"I've also been dancing in Taiwan, Macau, and Thailand," says Maria, wearing a green jumpsuit that moment.
Maria Ozawa Management also revealed that the star 'Menculik Miyabi' was never performed open-aperture outside of Japan. Currently, Maria is trying to change her image. She is no longer wanted as a popular AV Idol or adult movie idol.