Biodata Zaskia Sungkar, profil and biography sexy girl singer model hot artist Indonesia :
Full name : Zaskia Sungkar
Nick name/celeb name : Zaskia Sungkar
Sex : Female
Place of birth : Jakarta, Indonesia
Date of birth : December 22, 1990
Zaskia Sungkar was born in Jakarta, December 22, 1990 is a sinetron actress and the vocalist singer of The Sisters, a duo group with her sister, Shireen Sungkar.
Zaskia who is also a star So Good product advertising and this Muamalat Bank prefer reject bids acted in sinetron or FTV that come to her. The reason is, because Zaskia more attracted to the singing world. Even so, she had appeared in the sinetron Fables: Kamakanda, Legenda, and Bawang Putih Bawang Merah.
Late in 2008, first child spouse artist Mark Sungkar and Fanny Bauty was trying to realize her ambition to become a singer. She formed a duo group, The Sisters and launching the hit single "Keajaiban Cinta".
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