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When Society Changes

Many in America and several other Western nations practically worship being young. They have not stopped to consider either their aging parents or their own passing years. An inflationary economy often causes young couples to invest in the here and now without proper regard for the future. By the time their children are grown and gone from home, a couple who thought they had a few years of properity to enjoy before their own autumn years of life find they have an unplanned - for concern - their own aging parent or parents. To solve this dilemma, many, as Parade magazine called it, "ware-house" the elderly in nursing homes. In far too many cases the results have been tragic. Loss of dignity, self-esteem and identity are but a few of the negative results of some group care for the elderly. Inadequate facilities, poor treatment, improper medical attention and neglect have become major issues in the debate over nursing homes. Of course there may be a proper time and place for full-time care facilities. In cases of sickness, or even for companionship, some ederly prefer a group care facility. The important thing is that the family works together. So, where do we start?

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