Biodata Nia Ramadhani, profil and biography cewek cute of Indonesia :
Full name : Nia Ramadhani
Real name : Prianti Nur Ramadhani
Nick name/celeb name : Nia
Sex : Female
Religion : Islam
Place of birth : Jakarta, Indonesia
Date of birth : April 16, 1990
Nia Ramadhani was born in Jakarta, April 16, 1990, initiated a career in the world akting (sinetron) since the age of 15 years. Sinetron stars serial Bawang Merah Bawang Putih garlic is quickly recognized public and her name so popular, so many producers who invite her to play in sinetron adolescents.
Some of the sinetron was starring by Nia among others, “Alisha, Kisah Adinda, Benci Jadi Cinta, Soleha, Hey Cantik, Candy, Bembi, and Diva”.
Nia also reaching the big screen with a horror movie star in “Suster Ngesot” and then appear bikini wear in “Hantu Jembatan Ancol”, and so the horror movie in 2008, “Kesurupan”.
Stars are born with the name of Nur Prianti Ramadhani is known as the icons of teenage love while still engaged with the R & B singer, Ressa Herlambang, although they eventually disbanded.
Nia then make love with Bambang Reguna Bukit or a more familiar Bams name which is also called the personnel group music Samsons. However, their relationship be calculated quickly. Nia is also reported close to with the youngest son of President SBY, Edy Baskoro, and also the nephew of South Sulawesi governor candidates Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Puritcha Ichfan Adnan Yasin Limpo.
Towards making the “Kesurupan” film that starring Nia with Andhika Pratama, in the internet reporting news sensational photos Nia put on the bikini and posing with cowok-cowok macho in the swimming pool. However, Nia is responding cold spread image, and assume reasonable put on the bikini in the swimming pool.
Separated from the neck Bams, antagonis characters in the sinetron Alisha choose in singles and had more focus on her career. However, mid-October 2008, Nia was coupled look intimate main commissioner TV station TVOne, Ardiansyah, who is also the son of businessman Aburizal Bakrie.
She had sufficient time engaged with Ardie Bakrie in 2009, but the players Alisha rebut this is news. She stressed that she still wanted to walk on her career in the entertainment world.
At the end of May 2009, Nia caught with Ardie on vacation in Singapore. In fact, even in one of the photos, appears to be naked chest while Ardie hug his girlfriend body , Nia put on a tank top in black color.
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