"I do a lot of laughing-laughing aja, postif level as well," she said at the time found between the syuting video clips Mahadewi at Spark Studio, Jl Raya Bogor, Cijantung, East Jakarta.
In fact Puri herself confessed that type of women who are not diligent to the salon.. "I the most rare to salon, the people I call home. Ngecet aja gue own hair," augment her.
Despite often get the praise, Puri confess never feel beautiful. When asked which body part of interest, white women are like the legs of that sexy.
"I like for my leg, because small feet so I can wear shorts and shoes can wear whatever," she said.
Beautiful face, a career climb, and when you get married? "Target merried not exist, because many have not accomplished to my family and me alone," she explained.
Matter who the man is now pendampingnya, Puri reluctant to talk much. "That’s my secret”,she said.

The song ”Lakukan dengan Cinta” is the second single taken from Mahadewi first album, 'Dewi Cinta'.

The plan Mahadewi costumes used in the video clip is 5 pieces.

Mahadewi coquettish style.

Mahadewi syuting done before.
Duo Mahadewi sexy appear at syuting newest video clip, “lakukan Dengan Cinta”. The castle, Puri and Tata put on red clothes off shoulder marun with short skirt.