DNA results of the examination conducted by the police for two snippets of the alleged perpetrator as a powerful suicide bombing does not match the DNA from the family of Muhammad Nasir and florist in the Hotel Ritz-Carlton, Ibrahim.
That is, the two bones of the victim who died at this time are still stored in the RS polri RS Soekanto it is not Nur Said or Nur Hasbi and Ibrahim. "We have check-off families, but no matches. Similarly, with the family Nur Hasbi, not identical with the discount in the TKP," said the Head of Humas Division Mabes Polri Inspector General Police Nanan Sukarna, in a press conference in Jakarta Crisis Center Media , Jakarta, Rabu (22 / 7).
Demikian pula dengan keluarga Ibrahim. Police have DNA samples to check the family of Ibrahim, but it does not match the head. Therefore, police are still seeking the identity of the perpetrator is. However, police would not explain whether Ibrahim is the third bombardment Hotel Ritz-Carlton and JW Marriott Hotel.(JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com)