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Darah Perawan Bulan Madu, Virgin Blood Honey Moon Foto Video Bugil

Hmm, what's in the mind when you hear the film starring Indah Kalalo, with titled 'Darah Perawan Bulan Madu'? Horror and action picisan sexy Indah Kalalo could be that you have in mind.

Movie fans had to feel kind of freshness when the film 'King' or 'Garuda di Dadaku’ circulating in the cinema. However, the horror movie now turn bergerilya steal the attention of spectators.

'Darah Perawan Bulan Madu' (DPBM) ls about a new pair of honeymooners on the island of time. Putra (Restu Sinaga) the summer nights with his wife, Amira (Kalalo Indah) in the swimming pool.

But their romantic soon ended, after the specter of terror gost wedding making terror. A terror off the change was a warm night sepanas in hell.

'Darah Perawan Bulan Madu' is not much different from the film-other horror movie. Behind the film is not presenting some exciting scenes. Body sexy of the property Indah Kalalo in lingerie and bikini so strong attraction in this film. Unfortunately, the horror film is not too horrific.

'Darah Perawan Bulan Madu' is the work of director Hartawan Triguna. This film also gentayangan start on 30 July 2009.

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