The fenomenal singer Mbah Surip has died Tuesday (4/8/2009) at 10:30 WIB. The singer “Tak Gendong” was the opportunity to Pusdikkes Hospital, East Jakarta. However, it is not yet known exactly causes the death of the singer titled MBA.
"Yes right before died at 10:30 WIB," said Mega, registration the RS Pusdikkes is when confirmed. Mbah Surip that has the original name Urip Ariyanto, according to the ID card, he was born in 1949. Mbah Surip wash billions of rupiah from the money Ring Back Tone (RBT) song “Tak Gendong”.
Singer Bob Marley-style with the famous' I Love You Full 'plan to make this album Ramadan not long. He also intends menggandeng Manohara for berduet. Tak gendong ke mana-mana. Selamat jalan, Mbah Surip.... Farewell, Mbah Surip…