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BCL Hide Pregnancy [Hamil] news?

A sinetron player actress that all at once singer Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL) are reportedly two body entities. Questioned about the news, BCL choose to hide it. Really?

"Who says (pregnant). No comment. Pray please," she said after filling the event found BCL 'Mega Concert April Beautiful' at La Piazza, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta, Friday (23/4/2010) early days.

Later BCL was rarely seen. According to Ashraf Sinclair's wife, she was being stop playing the sinetron. BCL now spent more time working on the new album and also stage.

Not that BCL delay the job or activity because of her pregnancy rumors. But when the question that drove the preacher is "How is about pregnancy?", Listen to answers BCL.

"So far okay. Insya Allah will (okay)," she said simply.

Previously, BCL-Ashraf couples who married on 8 November 2008 was admitted to immediately have baby. Later rumors intensified see the condition of the body that increases fat BCL. BCL dodged that her a lot on food.

Perhatian !

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